Thursday, 23 October 2014

7 Revealing Facts of Website Design and Designers

Even the coolest trend go out of style over the time. Whether it is your haircut or branded clothes, you wish you never forget but there are few things stay fresh and forever. This fact is very true with Website Design Austin TX, where the year’s hottest trend become out dated in just few moment.

web designers austin tx

Epidemic SEO believes that, leading website design process needs to play close attention to lot of details to create professional looking website. To so so, there are few website designing fact cannot be ignored. Here they are,

web designers dallas tx

Fact 1 : SEO Friendly Website

Your designers wants to build a website that is totally SEO friendly. As we know that, major search engines controls 88.8% of today’s internet traffic.

Fact 2 : People are not avid

In stead of cartoons and drawing, users want to see genuine photographs and live images. Web Designers Austin TX should design images made up through art work.  

Fact 3 : Users don’t have Enough Patience

Your visitors only wait for an average 4 to 20 second for a page to load. Hence, SEO is must. 

Fact 4 : Users want Accessibility in Website

Website designing has changed drastically over the past few years, may be, its due to increased mobile access and great broadband internet access.  

Fact 5 : Not you. Designer creates boundaries

A web page is no longer viable boundary for Web Designers Dallas TX. Mobile screen and computer screen have made the limitation of web pages. 

Fact 6 : Designing Coding Matters a lot

45% of website designers now started utilizing HTML5 coding. Major browsers like chrome represents 25% HTML5 readers.

Fact 7 : From Browsers View 

Generally, Mozilla firefox is the number one preferred browser chosen by internet users. Hence, the browser preference also considered as as crucial part of designing.

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