Thursday, 11 December 2014

5 Search Engine Optimization Facts for Owners

Being a owner or CEO of company, one should always make their selves up to date with digital marketing techniques.

There are many owners who lake an understanding of big picture of Search Engine Optimization. How it works, what is required, and how to execute it successfully. It’s obvious, owner’s job to lead, not to under the all about SEO techniques.
search engine optimization austin

In order to lead successfully in this competitive digital marketing ear, owners and managers must know few things about SEO.

It will Take Time:
There is nothing that can as quick fix in Digital Marketing area. SEO is not different. It is understandable the frustration in order to gain first page ranking, but, it will take  q month, 6 month or 1 year. It will take hard work and endless efforts. Owners measure time in terms of revenue.   

“SEO is Investment not a quick Win”

It Costs Money:
SEO is not a free service. If there is one thing that concerns every business owners more than time is, MONEY. Their mind always rolling with the cost, revenue, earning, leads, marketing spends, and so on.

“Search Engine Optimization Costs Money”

It Constantly Changing
One of the constant truth of SEO is that, SEO always Changing. To be an SEO today is all mean that you must adopt yourself to the constant fluctuation. Algorithm changes on daily basis. We don’t control it. Even the small changes have big impact. But if the changes are big, these can completely upset you. 

“Just because you are ranking at number one today, it doesn’t mean that you will ranking one tomorrow”

The bottom line is, SEO is not a Solution, it is a Strategy. Owners must engage in SEO, not with expectations that will not going to cure all these ills, but with the willingness ti implement strong and powerful strategies.

Epidemic SEO is leading firm in Search Engine Optimization Austin Texas. We knowledge you before starting work with you. For more details, Call us at 866.788.5765 or log on to

Thursday, 23 October 2014

7 Revealing Facts of Website Design and Designers

Even the coolest trend go out of style over the time. Whether it is your haircut or branded clothes, you wish you never forget but there are few things stay fresh and forever. This fact is very true with Website Design Austin TX, where the year’s hottest trend become out dated in just few moment.

web designers austin tx

Epidemic SEO believes that, leading website design process needs to play close attention to lot of details to create professional looking website. To so so, there are few website designing fact cannot be ignored. Here they are,

web designers dallas tx

Fact 1 : SEO Friendly Website

Your designers wants to build a website that is totally SEO friendly. As we know that, major search engines controls 88.8% of today’s internet traffic.

Fact 2 : People are not avid

In stead of cartoons and drawing, users want to see genuine photographs and live images. Web Designers Austin TX should design images made up through art work.  

Fact 3 : Users don’t have Enough Patience

Your visitors only wait for an average 4 to 20 second for a page to load. Hence, SEO is must. 

Fact 4 : Users want Accessibility in Website

Website designing has changed drastically over the past few years, may be, its due to increased mobile access and great broadband internet access.  

Fact 5 : Not you. Designer creates boundaries

A web page is no longer viable boundary for Web Designers Dallas TX. Mobile screen and computer screen have made the limitation of web pages. 

Fact 6 : Designing Coding Matters a lot

45% of website designers now started utilizing HTML5 coding. Major browsers like chrome represents 25% HTML5 readers.

Fact 7 : From Browsers View 

Generally, Mozilla firefox is the number one preferred browser chosen by internet users. Hence, the browser preference also considered as as crucial part of designing.

Reference from:

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

What Your Web Designer Needs to Know?

web designers dallas tx

Creating a company or business website can be very helpful you to make a good impression on your visitors right from start. Your website must have a good look and feel. For that, you need professional Web Designers Dallas TX to achieve your goals but still there are sort of things you need to do to ensure success.

Its not like that, you say “please build an attractive business website!” and your designer will design by him self without discussing anything in details. It doesn’t seems like professional work anymore.

By communicating with each other, providing correct information and with proper planing, working together you can bring a perfect professional website that meets your all needs.

Having experience of working with more than hundred clients, Epidemic SEO have a list of questions a Web Designers Austin TX need to answer before starting any projects,

Question 1 : What is the main purpose of your website?
It is very crucial to be clear with your purpose to achieve goal. Being a web builder of any business, a web designer should have clear understanding with the purpose and the details of services and products business offer.

Question 2 : Do you have any specific targeted market and audience?
Yes, what are the targets? Do the company have specific targeted market? If yes, then who are they? Like, if you are offering designer outfits, obviously young-age are your target and apparel industry is your target market.

Question 3 : What is your requirement?
Now, the technical point come when web designer want to know what you are actually expecting in your website. You want it responsive design, SEO friendly, gadgets and widgets, extensions and many more updated features. Or may you need two separated - website and mobile version for the same.

If you have some better ideas, of course you can suggest to designer that work better to accomplish your goals. Use this tips for working with your web designer and you can have the website you dream for.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

What Does The SEO Cost? Is it Easy to Find Affordable SEO Services?

Hiring an SEO firm is a lot like hiring the right Architecture to design your home. Just like architecture, SEO firm would design the success story of your business. But there are lots of things comes down to try to understand that what does an SEO firm should cost. 

According to me, SEO doesn’t cost anything, it is a kind of investments that should yield a huge return and ultimately it would cost nothing. Or may depends. Yes, tell me when you want to buy a new car and you ask someone that “ How much for a brand new car?” the answer is, “it depends” and yea, it’s actually depends on what you are looking for. 

First, determine about Your needs. Whether you have an on going project requirements, or looking to develop an ongoing relationship. If your needs are temporary, your big question is, what does it cost? I think you should go for the Affordable SEO Services. And pricing is going to be per project. The company would tell you how many months it would take and according to it, they would cost you dollars. 

Epidemic SEO is a leading SEO firm in Round Rock, Texas. With the years of experience in SEO field and working with many projects and clients, we conclude that how much SEO firm cost is a big piece of the puzzle. 

How to find the Affordable SEO Services?

Once you determine whether you are looking for temporary project or ongoing one, which SEO company would match you best. Somehow, in between the situation you will be in the position to understand what you should pay to the SEO firm?

When searching for affordable SEO services, consider whether you should trust in them or not? Have they worked on the same type of project before or not? 

Monday, 7 July 2014

Why you should Choose Search Engine Optimization?

I have recently asked a question to few startups that why they are avoiding thinking about search engine optimization. The most common answer I heard was SEO is like a huge and complicated thing that requires a lot of deep knowledge and of course money. 

search engine optimization

There is a myth out there that SEO is a complex thing so many companies choose to avoid it. Somehow it is valid, but SEO is pretty straightforward than they are thinking. And if you avoid SEO, you are turning your back at the greatest source of free and huge customers on the web - Search Engine. 

At the same time, many businesses don’t realize that they are making it more difficult for search engine to discover their web content. Here are some points where you can improve your SEO, 

  • URL’s are filled with random symbols and characters that don’t make any sense.
  • The title or heading of your page does not match with the content you have written on the page.

There are only two cases shown and if your website missing one of them, then you should improve your SEO for sure.  

Don’t forget, your aim should be to allow search engine (Google, Yahoo, and Bing) to easily access and understand all the pages of the site. Take Google for an example, Google spiders crawl your pages and they try to follow the links on that page to get another page of the site. If you are succeed to do so, Google will index your whole website pulls all pages into its search engine.

Here, if you have accurate and descriptive page titles and descriptions, Google will able to batter resent your website content on the web. 

This is the small scenario I have presented; SEO is something more than you think. To know more about Search Engine Optimization in Austin, Texas and how it work’s for your website, call Epidemic SEO today at 866.788.5765 for a free website analysis. 

Friday, 13 June 2014

SEO Services in Round Rock, How Much Do They Cost?

To get the answer for this above question, you first need to know about SEO is brief. Knowing the benefits of SEO to your business, you might understand the service charges and the cost of services?

Now let me justify it with the needful knowledge about SEO.

Search Engine Optimization?

affordable seo services round rock texas

If internet user is able to find your website in Google while they search simple phases that means your website has well optimized and good SEO. Unfortunately, if your site is not ranking toward to top searches, then you may need help with SEO.

Round Rock SEO Services are all about writing, designing, optimizing and relevant quality content that matches to the searches.

A few days ago, I have read somewhere one article, where clearly mentioned that Google and other search engine read your website first and deliver it to the users who searches for the content that exactly matches to the content on your website.

A large number of companies in SEO industry are well respected because of their secrete tactics to optimize your website at the top of Google. But the thing is that, Google never reveals and disclose how they and their algorithms work actually. Thus, the external companies can’t guarantee for the top ranking.

How much does SEO Services Cost?

This is but obvious question that arise in your mind when you think to opt SEO services for your business. As far as I know, SEO services cost is lying on major 3 phases,

  1. Per hour
  2. Per project
  3. Per month

But, the obvious thing, the bigger the company, the higher the price.

At Epidemic SEO, we offer Affordable SEO Services at Minimal Cost. We discuss with you about your needs and offer you the best possible options and package for your business. 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Web Designer, to Build Successful Business Website

Initiating online presence of your business is integral part of establishing it in the cutting edge competitive corporate world. Unlike established, larger and big corporations that can easily afford the expense of capital advertising streams. Effective online presence is enough to generate quality traffic and potential customers that may you lose out before.

expert website desigers in Dallas, Texas

I have seen many businesses that have outdated and unprofessional websites. Unfortunately, instead of building a good presence of the website, they are also following traditional advertising tactics.

There is tremendous value of a website to your business that connects potential customers to you. However, some business owner does not know the importance of it. Initially, they don’t know the value of hiring a good web designer Austin TX. The fact is, hiring a designer is one of the worthwhile investments for any business.

The website is very powerful and effective tool in the marketing mix that can generate a lot of extra business. For example, you can not higher plumber to fix your furniture and you can’t discuss legal issues with a doctor. Each query ends with the professional reviews and comments. Hence, to build an effective web design, only a good Web Designer Dallas TX will make efforts to understand the market you are operating.

For small businesses, they have lots to gain and less to lose. Building a website from good designer is long term investments in the growth of upcoming business.

If you are not taking online presence of your business seriously, you are at a disadvantage. A solid digital appearance will never hurt a business, but it can definitely create a countless success stories.

The Epidemic SEO is a full web services industry that fuses web design and development, Search engine optimization. We have some of the leading copywriters, web designers, developers and SEO experts that give you a high return on investment.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Solve Your SEO Problems with Excellent Packages

Round Rock SEO services

Search engine optimization can be a daunting field especially when you do not really understand what works and what does not. Finding Affordable SEO Packages is obviously not easy given the complexity and uncertainty of the results. That is why you need someplace where their basic problems are solved at affordable prices. All this could be only possible with the best services provided by the SEO companies. 

These companies have recruited trained professionals who will be carrying out research and optimization on your part to generate maximum profits with minimum investments. After hiring them, all the major work until end is done by the professionals without worrying a lot about the work or several issues that arise during optimization. They will help for you in the field of website development along with putting unique keywords that will raise your website in search engine. 

Round Rock SEO services is mostly preferred by the customers because their team can deliver quality services at affordable rates, which is affordable by most of the businesses. It does not really get any more convenient than this. Ever kind of search engine optimization practice is handled by such people who have experience in the field.  Apart from SEO field, they will also work for you in social networking to generate more brand awareness and help people know about latest offerings and deals. They will impart the training to the people in the proper way reading the tips along with suggestions that will work for them in building their websites. Professionals will provide the best after sales service where, their website is monitored and updated regularly. Hence, it will attract more customers towards it and it will gain more traffic to the site. Then indirectly you will be earning higher revenue on month-on-month basis. Targets should be achieved more easily.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Search Engine Optimization Austin Texas Provides Advanced SEO Tactics

The process of Search Engine Optimization in Austin, Texas is quite simple and the prime objective is to optimize the client’s websites in a way so that it reaches at its maximum level, i.e., rank in the top pages on the search engines. This can be possible only when the content of the website is interesting to increase close association. Content department generates regular content to increase the website’s visibility factor and then link the researched keywords generated from the keyword generator tool to the content. After the targeting of keywords is completed, attention is paid constantly to the viewer targeting part so that the optimization works on successfully. Another important element to include is the backlinks that are an efficient way of generating good rank in the search engines. All the popular search engines deliver top website lists in their search results pages and therefore to be among the top players, it’s important that the keywords are targeted in the best way. The particular company takes care of client’s SEO websites right from designing stage to content creation stage.

Every search engine optimization service is provided by well skilled and experienced specialists keeping in mind the general concept of the internet marketing process. There are dedicated teams of SEO experts who ensure several basics and components during the entire optimization process. Both on page and off page optimization are guaranteed to start with keyword research for the bunch of content of the websites. The main primary objective of SEO is to drive in free massive traffic daily. A website drawing a large amount of traffic and audience is sure to gain more recognition and popularity. It is completely essential for companies to implement SEO strategies all the time for their personal websites and get the web designers design based on the available techniques.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How to find Best Website Design and Designer in Round Rock TX ?

web designers austin tx
Want to make your web design more attractive for your business? Or looking for any web designer in Round Rock, who can design an exact website that present in the web world. Then you are facing very Difficult challenge. Epidemic SEO present some features of their designers that help to find website Website Designers Austin TX.

To get perfect and attractive website design, keep these points in your mind,
  • Professional Look: As you want to design a website for your business so you must want to make your web site look professional. Because, your business site will represent your services or products in the market. Professional look helps you to engage visitors on your website. 
  • Functional Property: Your Business dite must have some excellent functional property. On the base of functional properties, your website will help the user to get to their destination.
  • User-Friendly: The web site should be user-friendly that user's can understate the concept, purpose, services, products and pages. Make your website easy to understand as well as responsive.
After this, for web designer there are several skills that make them professional designer. Know about that skill and according that do some research on them.
  • Have effective communication skills. While communicating with clients, to present their ideas they must have excellent communication skills.    
  • Work Dedication. They must dedicate to their work or sell their self for their work.
  • Planning and Management. Ability to prepare plans and follow that plan to meet goal. For that they have to know about clients Company profile and services. Understanding the needs and recipients of clients.
  • Know the difference between a graphic designer and web designer. There is a minor difference between both. The professional designer maintains gap between these skills.
  • Updated with new technologies. New technology arrives every day at this firm. They should keep up tuning with these changes. They should update their self with new technologies.
  • Have some business sense. A successful website designer do not have only design site, but they offer business solution for clients also. Having a bit of knowledge about marketing field will help to build potential audience.
  • Experience. In industry, experience counts more than knowledge and skills. Success is only depends on experience.
Epidemic SEO is a provider of Web Designing and SEO services since few years. With professional designer they gives excellent services of Website Design Round Rock TX. They offer incredible services with effective results.  
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